| Chapter 22 Voice Service |
| Table 172 | |
| RegistrarServer | This field displays the IP address or the host name of the SIP registrar server. |
| RegistrarServerPort | This field displays the SIP registrar server port number to which the device is |
| to connect. |
| RegistrarServerTrans | This field displays the transport protocol the device is to use to connect to the |
| port | SIP registrar server. |
| UserAgentDomain | This field displays the domain name of the device. |
| UserAgentPort | This field displays the port number used for incoming call control signaling. |
| UserAgentTransport | This field displays the transport protocol used for incoming call control |
| signaling. |
| OutboundProxy | This field displays the IP address or the host name of the outbound proxy |
| server. |
| OutboundProxyPort | This field displays the port number on the outbound proxy server to which the |
| device is to connect. |
| Organization | This field displays the name of the organization (up to 256 characters) to |
| include in the packets. |
| RegistrationPeriod | This field displays the time (between 1 and 4294967295 seconds) the device |
| waits before |
| TimerT1, T2, T4, A..K | This field displays the value for the SIP timer (in milliseconds). |
| InviteExpires | This field displays the time (in seconds) the SIP invite request expires. |
| ReInviteExpires | This field displays the time (in seconds) the SIP reinvite request expires. |
| RegisterExpires | This field displays the time (between 1 and 4294967295 seconds) the SIP |
| registration expires. |
| RegistersMinExpires | This field displays the time (in seconds) the |
| RegisterRetryInterval | This field displays the time (in seconds) the register request retry expires. |
| InboundAuth | This field displays the authentication type for inbound request. |
| InboundAuthUsernam | This field displays the username for inbound authentication. |
| e |
| InboundAuthPasswor | This field displays the password associated with the username above. |
| d |
| UseCodecPriorityInS | This field displays 1 to set the device to use the |
| DPResponse | to respond to an invite packet; otherwise, this field is 0. |
| DSCPMark | This field displays the DiffServ code point (DSCP) to use for outgoing SIP |
| signaling packets. |
| VLANIDMark | This field displays the VLAN ID to use for outgoing SIP signaling packets. |
| EthernetPriorityMark | This field displays the IEEE 802.1D priority level to use for outgoing SIP |
| signaling packets. |
| SIPEventSubscribeNu | This field displays the number of EventSubscribe objects. |
| mberOfElements |
| SIPResponseMapNu | This field displays the number of SIPResponseMap objects. |
| mberOfElements |
Use the EventSubscribe screen to view the list of SIP event subscriptions. Refer to Section 11.2.4 on page 132 for other field descriptions.
| 367 |
Vantage Access User’s Guide | |