Chapter 29 Vendor Configuration File

Table 305 File Manager: Vendor Config File: Restore



File Added Time

This field displays the time at which the file was created on the download





Connection Request

This field is not selectable if you select a device pool.


Select this if you want Vantage Access to send a connection request prior


to restoring the file.


Note: This feature is not available when you are restoring


a group’s files.



Delay Seconds

If you want Vantage Access to wait a short period before restoring the file,


enter the number of seconds to wait here.



Enable Scheduled

Select this to have Vantage Access restore the file at a point in the future,


or at a regular interval.




Enter the date on which you want to restore the file in the formate yyy-mm-


dd. Alternatively, click the calendar icon to select a day from the calendar.




Enter the time at which you want Vantage Access to restore the file in the


format hh:mm:ss.




Click this to save your settings and begin the file transfer process (if






Click this to return the fields in this screen to their defaults.

29.5.1 Verifying Configuration Restore

After you have set Vantage Access to restore a configuration file to the selected device, a configuration restore request is creates in the Restore List screen. Vantage Access will automatically perform this action during the next device synchronization process.

To check that the configuration restore is successful, see the log entry in the History screen (click the Provision Manager icon and History).

Figure 504 File Manager: Vendor Config File: Verify Restore Example

29.6 Configuration Restore Request List

After you have selected and applied to restore configuration to a device in the Restore screen, you can check the request status in the Restore List screen. Once Vantage Access performs the configuration restore action, the request entry is automatically removed from this screen and a log entry is created in the History screen.

Follow the steps below to display the Restore List screen.



Vantage Access User’s Guide