Chapter 21 WAN Device

1Select a registered device in the Device List window and click Configuration > InternetGatewayDevice > WANDevice.

2Click a number and WANDSLInterfaceConfig.

3Click Stats.

21.3.2WAN DSL Line Statistics Details

You can view the line statistics in the Stats screens. The following statistics screens are available. Field labels are the same in all the screens.

Total: This screen displays the statistics with the totals.

Showtime: This screen displays the statistics since the most recent DSL Showtime.

LastShowtime: This screen displays the statistics since the second most recent DSL Showtime.

CurrentDay: This screen displays the statistics accumulated during the current day.

QuaterHour: This screen displays the statistics accumulated during the current 15 minutes.

Follow the steps below to display a statistics screen.

1Select a registered device in the Device List window and click Configuration > InternetGatewayDevice > WANDevice.

2Click a number and WANDSLInterfaceConfig.

3Click Stats and click on the type of statistics you want to see.

Figure 278 TR-098 Amendment 1: WAN Device: WANDSLInterfaceConfig: Stats (Total)

The following table describes the labels in this screen.Refer to Section 11.2.4 on page 132 for other field descriptions.

Table 151 TR-098 Amendment 1: WAN Device: WANDSLInterfaceConfig: Stats (Total)




This field displays the number of blocks received.




This field displays the number of blocks sent.





Vantage Access User’s Guide