Chapter 30 Account Management

30.6.1 Add or Edit User Group

Use this screen to configure a new user group, edit an existing group, and associate users and device groups.

Click System Manager > User Management > User Group > Add. The following screen displays.

Figure 510 System Manager: User Management: User Group: Add

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 311 System Manager: User Management: User Group: Add



Group Name

Enter a name for this user group




Enter additional information about this user group, if required.



Add User to Group




User Pool

This is the list of available users who are not already part of the user group.



User List

This is the list of users who are already part of this user group.




Select a user in the User Pool panel and click this to add the user to the


User List panel.


Select a user in the User List panel and click this to add the user to the


User Pool panel.



Binding Device Group




Device Group Pool

This is the list of available device groups that are not already associated


with this user group.



Binding Device

This is the list of device groups that are already associated with this user







Vantage Access User’s Guide