Chapter8 Create Firewall
Advanced Firewall Configuration Wizard
Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User’s Guide

Select Zone

Select the security zone that you want the interface to be a member of. If you
choose not to assign the interface to a zone, there is a strong possibility that traffic
will not pass through the interface.
ZPF Inside Zones
Zones that include interfaces used in generic routing encapsulation (GRE) tunnels
must be designated as inside (trusted) zones in order for GRE traffic to pass
through the firewall.
This window lists the configured zones and their member interfaces. To designate
a zone as inside, check the inside (trusted) column in the row for that zone.
Voice Configuration
Include voice traffic in the router firewall policy by providing the necessary
information in this screen.
Field Reference
Table 8 -1 describes the fields in this screen.
Table8-1 Voice Configuration Fields
Element Description
Enable Voice Configuration Check Enable Voic e Configuration to enable the other fields in
this screen.
Interface The name of a router interface, for example, GigabitEthernet0/1
Outside (untrusted) Check Outside (untrusted) next to the interface name if you are
using the interface to connect to the WAN.
Inside (trusted) Check Inside (trusted) next to the interface name if you are using
the interface to connect to the LAN or other trusted network.