This keypad


Has this meaning:


And this action is



























Reload document, then


While copying, sending a

Remove the document from the



re-start job.


fax, or scanning, the HP

document tray, reload it, and re-





OfficeJet wasn’t able to

start the job you were doing.





load a sheet you placed in

Note: You don’t need to reload





the document tray.

pages that were already faxed.


Help Getting .7

Reload paper, then press

One of the following


problems has occurred:


There’s no paper in the


paper supply tray, or


Paper was loaded incor-


rectly in the paper supply


tray, or


The HP OfficeJet


wasn’t able to load a


sheet from the paper


supply tray.

If there’s no paper in the paper tray when the error occurred:

Pull the document tray forward, load paper in the paper supply tray*, push the document tray back into place, and press the Start button.

If there’s paper in the paper tray when the error occurred:

Remove the paper and stack it on a flat surface. Pull the document tray forward, load the paper in the paper supply tray*, push the document tray back into place, and press the Start button.

*For step-by-step, illustrated paper- loading instructions, refer to “5. Load the paper supply” in Chapter 1.

Replace scanner cover

One of these problems


happened with the scan-


ner cover:


You removed the scan-


ner cover from inside the


HP OfficeJet and didn’t


replace it, or


You replaced the scan-


ner cover incorrectly.

Open the HP OfficeJet’s top cover, then perform the appropriate action:

If the scanner cover is missing:

Replace the scanner cover* and close the top cover.

Scanner cover

If the scanner cover is in place:

Remove the scanner cover*, replace it, then close the cover.

