Troubleshooting - Helps you pinpoint the causes of problems and solve any difficulties you may experience.
Reference - Contains other information you might like to know about your HP OfficeJet, as well as a detailed guide to using each feature in the OfficeJet software.
?- Help is also available in every HP OfficeJet dialog box. Click the
?in the upper right corner of the dialog box, then click the setting you want to know more about. A brief description of the setting will be displayed.
Other ways to get help
Here are some other ways to get help if you need it:
2. Quick Tour
If you need to . . .
Make changes to your HP OfficeJet equipment or software setup
Verify correct operation of your HP OfficeJet
Understand the meaning of a particular message displayed on the HP OfficeJet’s keypad
Call someone to help you solve a problem, get product information, or place an order
See a list of detailed OfficeJet specifications
Look at . . .
•The Ready, Setup, Go guide
•Chapter 1 of this User’s Guide
•Chapter 1, “Step 8. Make Sure Everything Works Properly” section
•Chapter 7, “Understanding the Messages Displayed on the HP OfficeJet’s Keypad” section
•Chapter 7, “Sources of Informa- tion and Help” section
•Chapter 8