This keypad


And this action is

Has this meaning:


Replace wrong black cartridge.

The black print cartridge you loaded is not supported by the HP Office- Jet and will not work.

Most HP OfficeJet functions will be inoperative until this problem is resolved.

Open the cover and remove the black print cartridge.

Replace it with the correct black print cartridge, which has part number HP 51629A.

To display step-by-step, illustrated instructions on your computer screen, follow this path: HP OfficeJet Manager/Help/How Do I?/ Maintaining the HP OfficeJet/ Replacing the print cartridges.

Replace wrong

The color print cartridge

color cartridge.

you loaded is not sup-


ported by the HP Office-


Jet and will not work.


Most HP OfficeJet func-


tions will be inoperative


until this problem is



Open the cover and remove the color print cartridge.

Replace it with the correct color print cartridge, which has part number HP 51649A.

To display step-by-step, illustrated instructions on your computer screen, follow this path: HP OfficeJet Manager/Help/How Do I?/ Maintaining the HP OfficeJet/ Replacing the print cartridges.

Scan failed

The communication


between the HP OfficeJet


and your computer failed


during scanning.

Look at your computer screen for any error messages, and take the recommended corrective action.

Speed dial empty

You tried to dial a speed


dial code that doesn’t


have a fax number stored


in it.

Choose a speed dial code to which you have already assigned a fax number.

To check which speed dial codes you’ve assigned, follow this path to look in your Phone Book: HP

OfficeJet Manager/Fax/Phone Book.

Storing received fax on

You have specified that


received faxes should be


stored on your computer,


not printed from the HP




This message is notifying


you that a received fax is


in the process of being


stored to your computer



No action is recommended.

To view your received fax on your computer screen, select it in

the Received Faxes tab* and click View Fax.

*Follow this path to find the Received Faxes tab: HP OfficeJet Manager/Fax/Fax History/Received Faxes tab

