Continue with Step 7, “Install the Software - REQUIRED!”

Shared line with distinctive ring (Case B)

If in Step 2 you connected the HP OfficeJet to a phone line that uses a distinctive ring service through

your telephone company, use this connection diagram.

The distinctive ring telephone service, which is unavailable in many areas, allows you to have

2 or 3 phone numbers on the

same phone line. Each number has a ring with a different pat-

tern so you can tell the difference between incoming calls.

For more detailed information on setting up Distinctive Ring,

refer to “Using Distinctive Ring” under “Using Advanced Fax Features and Settings” in Chapter 3.

Up Setting .1

Phone optional, but recommended


Telephone wall jack

Connect your phone to the HP OfficeJet. Connect the cord from your phone to either of the two ports on the back of the HP Office- Jet labelled, “To Phone, Answering Machine, or Modem.”

The main benefits of connecting a phone in this situation are 1) In case you need to send a fax (press START) while having a con- versation with someone who must receive their faxes manually, and 2) For the convenience of having a phone close by to make outgoing voice calls.

Important: If you have an answering machine for receiving voice calls on this phone line (different phone number), set it to answer after 3 or more rings. If you don’t, your HP OfficeJet will not be able to receive your fax calls.

Important: If you have a PC-modem or an external modem on this phone line (different phone number), turn off the setting in the modem’s software that automatically receive faxes to your com- puter; if you don’t, your HP OfficeJet will not be able to receive faxes properly.

