User and
Installation Guide
| What Is | Possible Why | What to Do |
| Happening |
| ||
| |
| Previously you read | The recorder may have deleted | Delete messages as soon as you have read them, unless they are |
| messages which are now | some old messages because it ran | important enough to save. |
| missing. | out of memory space for new |
| messages. |
| The Power light on the | The recorder has received mail. | Read the mail and the light will stop flashing. |
| recorder is flashing. |
| |
| What Is | Possible Why | What to Do |
| Happening |
| ||
| |
| You highlight the “ALL | The system will not allow you to | Choose another list to modify. |
| CHAN” list and then | modify the “ALL CHAN” list. |
| highlight either the |
| Modify List or Clear |
| option. The recorder |
| displays an ERROR |
| message. |
| You highlight an empty | The system will not allow you to | Choose another list to use. |
| list and then highlight | make an empty list active. |
| the Save option. The |
| recorder displays an |
| ERROR message. |
| You want to add a | You have the maximum number of | You must delete a channel from that Favorites List to make room |
| channel to a Favorites | channels in your Favorites List. | for the new channel. |
| List, but the Favorites |
| List is full. |
| ||
| What Is | Possible Why | What to Do |
| Happening |
| ||
| |
| You set a specific lock | You have not locked the recorder. | You must lock the recorder for any specific lock to take effect. |
| (for example, a lock on |
| programs by ratings), |
| but the lock does not |
| seem to prevent |
| viewing. |
| You forgot your |
| Call the Service Center. You may need to provide the Service |
| password, so that you |
| Center Representative with the following information: (1) your |
| are unable to unlock |
| name; (2) your address; (3) your telephone number; (4) your |
| your recorder. |
| recorder serial identification number; and (5) your Service Center |
| Personal Identification Number (PIN), if used. |