| Appendix | A | |
| Problems and Solutions Tables | |||
| |
| When you try to control | The remote control may be missing | If the batteries are missing or dead, insert four fresh |
| |
| the recorder with the | batteries, the batteries may be | batteries. |
| remote, the recorder | incorrectly placed in the remote, or | If the batteries have just been replaced or taken out and reset, you |
| |
| does not respond (this | the batteries may be weak or dead. | may need to reset the remote address for the recorder before the |
| |
| may occur especially | You may need to reset the remote | recorder will respond. In this case, you also need to reprogram |
| |
| after changing the | address and reprogram the remote | the remote for all components, including the TV, VCR and other |
| |
| batteries in the remote). | for the other equipment. The | equipment controlled by the remote. |
| addresses for the recorder and the | To readdress the recorder to the remote: If the recorder is on, |
| |
| remote may not match. | turn it off and wait 15 seconds. Press the Info button on the |
| |
| If you have a UHF remote, signals | recorder to display the Important System Information menu. |
| |
| from a neighbor’s UHF remote | Press the Record button on the remote. |
| may be blocking signals from your | To prevent UHF signal interference, you may reduce the |
| remote from reaching the recorder. | sensitivity of the recorder to UHF signals by installing a UHF |
| |
| attenuator. |
| When you press the | You may not be able to see that the | Try other buttons to see if the recorder is responding. |
| Power button on the | power light is on, if other lights in | Replace the remote batteries with fresh ones. |
| remote control to power | the room are too bright. | Reprogram the recorder and remote to the same address. |
| the recorder ON, a mode | The remote may not be operating | Check that the electrical power is on in your building, and that it |
| |
| light flashes on the | properly or the batteries are weak | has the voltage and current specified for the recorder. |
| remote, but the Power | or dead. | Check that the electrical outlet you are using is in good condition |
| |
| light on the recorder | The recorder may not be | and has power (for example, check that a fuse has not blown). |
| |
| does not illuminate. | programmed to the remote address. | Check that the recorder power cord is not damaged, and that the |
| |
| The recorder may not be plugged | plug is inserted correctly into the outlet. |
| into a power outlet, or there is a |
| problem with the power. |
| The recorder turns ON | The recorder is responding to | Change the address of your remote control and recorder. |
| or OFF or does anything | signals from another nearby remote |
| else, without you | control. |
| pressing any buttons. |
| |
| What Is | Possible Why | What to Do |
| Happening |
| ||
| |
| |
| |
| The recorder power | You may have muted the sound, or | Turn off the mute using the TV mute button, or by pressing the |
| |
| light is on and there is a | set the volume to be inaudible. | Mute button on the remote. If necessary, change to the |
| good picture on the TV | The audio connections may not be | appropriate mode before pressing Mute. |
| set, but you do not hear | properly connected. | Turn up the volume at the TV, or by pressing the Volume (+) |
| |
| any sound. |
| button on the remote. |
| Check the audio connectors and cords from the recorder to the |
| |
| TV, or to any other sound system you may be using. |
| Check the TV speakers or other sound system you may be using. |
| |
| |
| A foreign language is | The recorder may have been | Use the Alternate Audio Language menu (within the System |
| |
| used for the audio | programmed to select an alternate | Setup menu) to select the language you prefer. |
| sound. | audio language. | Note that some languages listed may not be available at this time. |
| |