9.2 Login/logout page
Figure 9.5 Login page of the firewall’s Web interface
•User from the local database — the name must be specified without the domain (e.g. admin),
•Primary domain — missing domain is acceptable in the name specifica- tion (e.g. jsmith), but it is also possible to include the domain (e.g. jsmith@company.com),
•Other domains — the name specified must include the domain
(e.g. drdolittle@usoffice.company.com).
If none or just one Active Directory domain is mapped, all users can authenticate by their usernames without the domain specified.
If the user is
The welcome page varies depending on the rights of the user (see chapter 13.1):
•If the user is allowed to view statistics, the web interface will switch to the Kerio StaR mode and it will start with the page of overall statistics (the overall tab — for details, see chapter 19). The My Account option available at the
•If the user is not allowed to view statistics, user status info page is displayed instead