Chapter 23
This chapter provides several helpful tips for solving of problems which might arise during WinRoute deployment.
23.1 Detection of incorrect configuration of the default gateway
One of the most common problems ocurred in WinRoute implementation is incorrect configuration of default gateways in the operating system by the computer where WinRoute is installed. Therefore, WinRoute (since 6.2.0) automatically detects config- uration of default gateways in the system. If an incorrect configuration is detected (i.e. more than one default gateway is defined in the system), the following alert is displayed upon the next login to the Administration Console.
Figure 23.1 An alert pointing at incorrect configuration of the default gateway
In such a case, it is necessary to check TCP/IP configuration at all interfaces of the WinRoute’s host. One of the indicators that may help you detect incorrect settings can be listing of the system routing table by using the route print command (the default gateway is displayed as a path to the destination network with subnet mask The default gateway must be set only on the interface connected to the Internet (in accordance with information provided by the ISP). If any default gateway is set at other network interface(s), the configuration is wrong.