Chapter 13 User Accounts and Groups
Group name (group identification).
Group description. It has an informative purpose only and may contain any infor- mation or the field can be left empty.
Step 2 — group members
Figure 13.19 Creating a user group — adding user accounts to the group
Using the Add and Remove buttons you can add or remove users to/from the group. If user accounts have not been created yet, the group can be left empty and users can be added during the account definition (see chapter 13.1).
HINT: To select more than one user hold the Ctrl or the Shift key.
Step 3 — group access rights
The group must be assigned one of the following three levels of access rights:
No access to administration
Users included in this group cannot access the WinRoute administration.
Read only access
Users included in this group can access the WinRoute administration. However, they can only read the records and settings and they are not allowed to edit them.
Full access to administration
Users in this group have full access rights.