5.3 DNS Forwarder
Figure 5.9 DNS forwarder settings
Enable DNS forwarding
This option switches between the on/off modes of the DNS Forwarder (the service is running on the port 53 and UDP protocol is used by this service). If DNS Forwarder is not used for your network configuration, it can be switched off. If you want to run another DNS server on the same host, DNS Forwarder must be switched off, or there will be a collision on the port.
DNS forwarding
DNS Forwarder must know at least one DNS server to forward queries to. This option defines how DNS Forwarder will identify the IP address of the server:
•Forward DNS queries to the server automatically... — functional Internet connec- tion is required. At least one DNS server must be defined within TCP/IP config- uration (in Windows, DNS servers are defined at a particular adapter, however, these settings will be used within the entire operating system).
DNS Forwarder can read these settings and use the same DNS servers. This provides the following benefit — the hosts within the local network and the WinRoute host will use the same DNS server.
•Forward DNS queries to the specified DNS server(s) — DNS queries will be for- warded to the specified DNS server/servers (if more than one server specified,