Chapter 11 Antivirus control
External antivirus
For external antivirus, enable the Use external antivirus option in the Antivirus tab and select an antivirus to be employed from the combo box. This menu provides all external antivirus programs supported in WinRoute by special plugins.
Warning: External antivirus must be installed before it is set, otherwise it is not available in the combo box. It is recommended to stop the WinRoute Firewall Engine service before an antivirus installation.
Figure 11.4 Antivirus selection (external antivirus)
Use the Options button to set advanced parameters for the selected antivirus. Dialogs for individual antiviruses differ (some antivirus programs may not require any additional settings). For detailed information about installation and configuration of individual antivirus programs, refer to http://www.kerio.com/kwf.
Click Apply to test the selected antivirus. If the test is passed successfully, the antivirus will be used from the moment on. If not, an error is reported and no antivirus will be set. Detailed information about the failure will be reported in the Error log (see chapter 20.8).
Antivirus settings
Check items in the Settings section of the Antivirus tab to enable antivirus check for individual application protocols. By default, antivirus check is enabled for all supported modules.
In Settings, maximum size of files to be scanned for viruses at the firewall can be set. Scanning of large files are demanding for time, the processor and free disk space, which might affect the firewall’s functionality dramatically. It might happen that the connec- tion over which the file is transferred is interrupted when the time limit is exceeded.
The optimal value of the file size depends on particular conditions (the server’s perfor- mance, load on the network, type of the data transmitted, antivirus type, etc.). Caution!