Chapter 12 Definitions
Name of the group to which the URL will be added. This option enables the admin- istrator to:
•select a group to which the URL will be added
•add a name to create a new group to which the URL will be included.
The URL that will be added to the group. It can be specified as follows:
•full address of a server, a document or a web page without protocol specification (http://)
•use substrings with the special * and ? characters. An asterisk stands for any number of characters, a
•www.kerio.com/index.html — a particular page
•www.* — all URL addresses starting with www. www.*
•www.kerio.com — all URLs at the www.kerio.com server (this string is equal to the www.kerio.com/* string)
•*sex* — all URL addresses containing the sex string
•*sex??.cz* — all URL addresses containing such strings as sexxx.cz, sex99.cz, etc.
The URL description (comments and notes for the administrator).