20.11 Security Log
• — IP address of the client (i.e. of the host from which the client is connected to the website)
•TCP_MISS — the TCP protocol was used and the particular object was not found in the cache (“missed”). WinRoute always uses this value for this field.
•304 — return code of the HTTP protocol
•0 — transferred data amount in bytes (HTTP object size)
•DIRECT — the WWW server access method (WinRoute always uses DIRECT access)
• — IP address of the WWW server
20.11 Security Log
A log for
1.Anti-spoofing log records
Messages about packets that where captured by the
[17/Jul/2003 11:46:38]
flags: SYN , seq:3819654104 ack:0, win:16384, tcplen:0
•packet from — packet direction (either from, i.e. sent via the interface, or to, i.e. received via the interface)
•LAN — interface name (see chapter 5.1 for details)
•proto: — transport protocol (TCP, UDP, etc.)
•len: — packet size in bytes (including the headers) in bytes
•ip/port: — source IP address, source port, destination IP address and destina- tion port