Chapter 11
Antivirus control
WinRoute provides antivirus check of objects (files) transmitted by HTTP, FTP, SMTP and POP3 protocols. In case of HTTP and FTP protocols, the WinRoute administrator can specify which types of objects will be scanned.
WinRoute is also distributed in a special version which includes integrated McAfee an- tivirus. Besides the integrated antivirus, WinRoute supports several antivirus programs developed by various companies, such as Eset Software, Grisoft,
Since 6.2.0, WinRoute enables to combine the integrated McAfee antivirus with a sup- ported external antivirus. In such a case, transferred files are checked by both an- tiviruses (so called dual antivirus control). This feature reduces the risk of letting in a harmful file.
However, using of two antiviruses at a time also decreases the speed of firewall’s per- formance. It is therefore highly recommended to consider thoroughly which method of antivirus check should be used and to which protocols it should be applied and, if possible and desired, to try the configuration in the trial version of WinRoute before purchasing a license.
1.However, supported external antiviruses as well as versions and license policy of in- dividual programs may change as the time flows. For
2.External McAfee
11.1 Conditions and limitations of antivirus scan
Antivirus check of objects transferred by a particular protocol can be applied only to traffic where a corresponding protocol inspector which supports the antivirus is used