Chapter 5 Settings for Interfaces and Network Services
For these reasons we recommend you to set
•for the primary connection — persistent connection,
•for secondary connection —
Note: The Administration Console checks settings of
•for the primary connection, a line which is not connected persistently is selected,
•for the secondary connection, a line is selected that can be dialed manually and hung- up when idle.
5.3 DNS Forwarder
In WinRoute, the DNS Forwarder
•use IP address of the primary or the
•use the DNS server within the local network (if available). The DNS server must be allowed to access the Internet in order to be able to respond even to queries sent from outside of the local domain.
•use DNS Forwarder in WinRoute. DNS Forwarder can be also used as a basic DNS server for the local domain (see below) or as a forwarder for the existing server.
If possible, it is recommended to use DNS Forwarder as a primary DNS server for LAN hosts (the last option). DNS Forwarder provides fast processing of DNS requests and their correct routing in more complex network configurations.
DNS Forwarder configuration
In WinRoute default settings the DNS Forwarder is switched on and set up so that all DNS queries are forwarded by one of the DNS servers defined in the operating system (usually it is a DNS server provided by your ISP). The configuration can be