14.2 Update Checking
Check for new versions
Use this option to enable/disable automatic checks for new versions. Checks are performed:
•2 minutes after each startup of the WinRoute Firewall Engine,
•and then every 24 hours.
Results of each attempted update check (successful or not) is logged into the Debug log (see chapter 20.6).
Check also for beta versions
Enable this option if you want WinRoute to perform also update checks for beta versions.
If you wish to participate in testing of WinRoute beta versions, enable this option. In case that you use WinRoute in operations in your company (i.e. at the Internet gateway of your company), we recommend you not to use this option (beta versions are not tested yet and they could endanger functionality of your networks, etc.).
Check now
Click on this button to check for updates immediately.
If a new version is available, detailed information links and download links (links to installation files) are provided:
•More information — this link opens WinRoute changelog page in the default web browser.
•Download — direct link to the particular version’s installation file. Click the link to download the installation file in your default browser.
For detailed information on WinRoute installation, refer to chapter 2.3.
Note: Whenever a new version is detected, user is informed through the application and licence info dialog (the Kerio WinRoute Firewall item in the Administration Console tree). Clicking on link New version available, click here for details... switches the Administration Console to the Update Checker tab of the Configuration → Advanced Options section.