12.3 Services
12.3 Services
WinRoute services enable the administrator to define communication rules easily (by per- mitting or denying access to the Internet from the local network or by allowing access to the local network from the Internet). Services are defined by a communication protocol and by a port number (e.g. the HTTP service uses the TCP protocol with the port num- ber 80). You can also match
Services can be defined in Configurations → Definitions → Services. Some standard ser- vices, such as HTTP, FTP, DNS etc., are already predefined in the default WinRoute instal- lation.
Figure 12.5 WinRoute’s network services
Clicking on the Add or the Edit button will open a dialog for service definition.
Service identification within WinRoute. It is strongly recommended to use a concise name to keep the program easy to follow.
Comments for the service defined. It is strongly recommended describing each definition, especially with