Chapter 18
Basic statistics
Statistical information about users (volume of transmitted data, used services, catego- rization of web pages) as well as of network interfaces of the WinRoute host (volume of transmitted data, load on individual lines) can be viewed in WinRoute.
In the Administration Console, it is possible to view basic user statistics (volume of trans- ferred data and quota usage information) and statistics of network interfaces (trans- ferred data, traffic charts). Detailed statistics of users, web pages and volume of trans- ferred data are available in the firewall’s web interface (Kerio StaR — see chapter 19).
18.1 Interface statistics
The Interface statistics tab in Status → Statistics provides detailed information on volume of data transmitted in both directions through individual interfaces of the WinRoute host in selected time intervals (today, this week, this month, total).
Interfaces can be represented by network adapters,