Error Messages
The following error messages appear if incorrect operation is performed or an abnormality occurs. If an error message appears, take the appropriate corrective actions as shown in the table below.
Error Message (Alphabetically) | Cause | Action |
AF error. Laser barrier may be | The digitizer was not ready due to an | Click the [OK] button to close the mes- |
closed | AF error. | sage dialog box. |
AF error. | The digitizer was not ready due to an | Click the [OK] button to close the mes- |
| AF error. | sage dialog box. |
Calculation disable. | Failed to calculate using the specified | Click the [OK] button to close the mes- |
| corresponding points. | sage dialog box. |
| ∗When selecting correspondence points, |
| you must select points so that they are |
| sufficiently spaced and so that are within |
| the range that can be specified within the |
| element’s colorimage window. |
Cannot display wireframe. | The command was selected even though | Click the [OK] button to close the mes- |
| the currently displayed color image was | sage dialog box. |
| the one added to the data taken by the |
| digitizer. |
Cannot show information of more | More than 20000 points were selected. | Click the [OK] button to display the |
than 20000 points. (Number of |
| |
selected points – 20000) Points |
| the extra points (i.e. the points exceeding |
will be omitted. |
| |
| – 20000) will not be included. | |
| |
Choose more than 2 points. | An attempt was made to extract a line | Click the [OK] button to close the mes- |
| without selecting two or more points. | sage dialog box. |
Choose more than 3 points. | An attempt was made to extract a face | Click the [OK] button to close the mes- |
| or circle without selecting three or more | sage dialog box. |
| points. |
Choose more than 4 points. | An attempt was made to extract a sphere | Click the [OK] button to close the mes- |
| without selecting four or more points. | sage dialog box. |
Create Meshes Fault! | Failed to fill holes. | Click the [OK] button to close the mes- |
| (This message appears if creation of | sage dialog box. |
| meshes fails with “Fillholes by meshes” |
| or “Replace meshed” selected.) |
Design value is same as that of | The design values of the extracted point | Click the [OK] button to close the mes- |
others. | are the same as those of the extracted | sage dialog box. |
| line. |
Extracted line’s vector overlaps | The extracted line’s vector is the same | Click [OK] button to close message |
| as the other line’s vector. | dialog box. |
Extracted point overlaps | The extracted coordinate (X, Y, Z) is the | Click [OK] button to close message |
| same as the other’s coordinate. | dialog box. |
Extraction failure. Please select | Fail extraction of Point, Line or Face. | Click [OK] button to close message |
again. |
| dialog box. |
File write error. | A write error occurred, for instance, due | Click the [OK] button to close the mes- |
| to an excessively long file path name. | sage dialog box. |
File write error: user preferences. | A write error occurred. | Click the [OK] button to close the mes- |
| sage dialog box. |
| No preference file will be created even if |
| the [OK] button is clicked. |
| (The settings will be lost if this software |
| is exited.) |
Chapter 3
Error Messages