Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Configuring data transfer rates
LOG info, Shelf 1, Controller, Time:
LOG info, Shelf 1, Controller, Time:
LOG info, Shelf 1, Controller, Time:
LOG info, Shelf 1, Slot 7, Time:
LOG notice, Shelf 1, Slot 7, Time:
from <autobaud,1088000,2560000> to <autobaud,952000,7168000>
LOG notice, Shelf 1, Slot 7, Time:
The DSLTNT then terminates the call and
LOG notice, Shelf 1, Slot 7, Time:
Reconfigure Line 1 (radius) profile
LOG notice, Shelf 1, Slot 7, Time:
Line 1 OOS
LOG warning, Shelf 1, Controller, Time:
LOG info, Shelf 1, Controller, Time:
LOG notice, Shelf 1, Slot 7, Time:
Line 1 INS
LOG info, Shelf 1, Slot 7, Time:
LOG warning, Shelf 1, Slot 7, Time:
host [MBID 18]
LOG notice, Shelf 1, Slot 7, Time:
Line 1 up
LOG info, Shelf 1, Controller, Time:
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide |