Configuring Shelf-Controller Redundancy (APX 8000)
Obtaining status information about redundant shelf controllers
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide Preliminary May 9, 2000 2-11
The following example displays the show command entered on the secondary controller when
the right controller is primary:
admin> show
Controller { left-controller } ( SECONDARY ):
{ right-controller ) UP ( PRIMARY )
Setting up a trap to monitor the secondary controller
In the Trap profile, you can configure the Secondary-Controller-State-Change-Enabled
parameter to send a trap to the NavisAccess manager whenever the secondary controller goes
in or out of service. When the parameter is set to yes, a trap is sent when the secondary
controller goes in or out of service. When the parameter is set to no, no trap is sent.
Use the read and list commands to make Trap the working profile and list its contents. Use
the set command to modify the settings in the profile.
The following example shows how to set the parameter to not send a trap to the NavisAccess
admin> set secondary-controller-state-change-enabled=no
Clearing the fatal-error history log
The clr-history command clears the fatal-error history log. In systems with redundant
shelf controllers, the clr-history command-line interface command is intended only for
use on the primary controller. The fatal-error log cannot be cleared on the secondary controller,
unless you force implementation of the command by using the -f command option.
When clr-history -f is used on the secondary controller, a warning message appears to
alert you that the cleared log can still be overwritten during transfer of information from the
primary controller during heartbeat communications.