Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Configuring IDSL voice connections
6Write the profile:
admin> write
Configuring a Connection profile
This example Connection profile uses the Frame Relay profile configured in the previous section to reach the DSLPipe.
1Create a new Connection profile:
admin> new connection dslpipe
2Activate the profile:
admin> set active = yes
3Specify Frame Relay as the encapsulation used on the link:
admin> set
4Specify the IP address that will be assigned to the DSLPipe unit:
admin> set ip-options remote-address =
5Specify that only nailed channels are used on this link: admin> set
6Specify the name of the Frame Relay profile the Connection profile must use: admin> set
7Specify the Frame Relay DLCI used for the connection: admin> set
This is the DSLPipe unit’s DLCI and the DSLTNT default.
8Write the profile:
admin> write CONNECTION/dslpipe read
Configuring IDSL voice connections
In this example (see Figure
This example uses a Lucent Pipeline, but you can configure any ISDN
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide |