3-2 Preliminary May 9, 2000 APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring the Thermal Profile for Fan Tray Operations (APX 8000)
Overview of the Thermal profile for fan tray operations
Example of configuring thermal controls
The commands in the following example show how to configure the fan tray to run the fans at
2500 RPM until the unit reaches a temperature of 37 degrees Celsius (98.6 degrees
Fahrenheit), at which time the system switches the fans to full speed and maintains that setting
until the unit temperature drops below 30 degrees Celsius (86 degrees Fahrenheit). If the
system ever reaches a temperature of 50 degrees Celsius (122 degrees Fahrenheit), the system
triggers alarms.
admin> read thermal
admin> set operation-mode = auto-regulation
Operation-Mode Mode of operation in which the fan tray runs. When the
parameter is set to full-speed-only, the fans in the fan
tray operate at full speed at all times. (This is the default mode.)
When set to lownoise-speed-only, the fans operate at the
low noise speed (as specified in the Fantray-Lownoise-RPM
setting) at all times. When the parameter is set to
auto-regulation mode, the fan speeds are controlled
dynamically on the basis of temperature. In
auto-regulation mode, the fans run at low noise speed
when the system starts up. The system monitors the unit
temperature, and when it reaches a high-temperature threshold
(as specified in the High-Temperature-Trigger setting), it
switches the fans to full speed and logs a message. When the
unit temperature falls below the low-temperature threshold (as
specified in the Low-Temperature-Trigger setting), the system
switches the fans back to low noise speed.
Low-Temperature-Trigger Low-temperature threshold setting, from 0 to 60 degrees
Celsius (32 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit). If the fan tray is in
auto-regulation mode and this threshold is crossed, the system
switches the fans to low noise speed and logs a message. If you
specify a higher value than the High-Temperature-Trigger
setting, the system displays an error message when you attempt
to write the profile.
High-Temperature-Trigger High-temperature threshold setting, from 0 to 60 degrees
Celsius (32 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit). If the fan tray is in
auto-regulation mode and this threshold is crossed, the system
switches the fans to full speed and logs a message. If you
specify a lower value than the Low-Temperature-Trigger
setting, the system displays an error message when you attempt
to write the profile.
Alarm-Temperature-Trigger Temperature threshold setting, from 0 to 60 degrees Celsius (32
to 140 degrees Fahrenheit). If this threshold is crossed, the
system generates an Alarm event, the Alarm Relay on the shelf
controller is turned on, and the Alarm status light on the front
panel of the fan tray illuminates.
Parameter Specifies