Configuring the Thermal Profile for Fan Tray Operations (APX 8000)
Thermal status reporting
Thermal status reporting
LOG emergency, Shelf 1, Slot 42, Time:
post failed, type (10)
In addition, two new commands are supported for displaying information about the fan tray and the unit’s thermal status. Both commands, along with the automatic fan tray speed regulation, are available on both shelf controllers in a redundant system.
Fanstatus command
The fanstatus command displays fan tray status information such as the fan revolutions per minute (RPM), status (OK or BAD), and the unit’s ambient temperature. Note that the current fan mode can be displayed as either full speed or low noise. For example, the following output shows the fan mode set to full speed with an ambient temperature of 33 degrees Celsius
(91.4 degrees Fahrenheit):
admin> fanstatus
APX8000 Fantray status
Fantray ambient temperature: 33 C
Current fan mode:
Fan # RPMStatus
1 | 3367 | GOOD |
2 | 3214 | GOOD |
3 | 3075 | GOOD |
4 | 3075 | GOOD |
5 | 3214 | GOOD |
6 | 3289 | GOOD |
The following command output shows the fan mode set to low noise with an ambient temperature of 27 degrees Celsius (80.6 degrees Fahrenheit):
admin> fanstatus
APX8000 Fantray status
Fantray ambient temperature: 27 C
Current fan mode:
Fan # RPMStatus
1 | 1992 | GOOD |
2 | 2050 | GOOD |
3 | 1992 | GOOD |
4 | 2020 | GOOD |
5 | 2050 | GOOD |
6 | 2020 | GOOD |
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide |