Using the BayStack 450 10/100/1000 Series Switch
Transmit Characteristics
Table |
| |
| 62.5 Micron | 50 Micron |
Description |
| Multimode Fiber | Multimode Fiber | Units |
Transmitter type |
| Shortwave Laser | Shortwave Laser |
Signaling speed |
| 1.25 ± 100 ppm | 1.25 ± 100 ppm | GBd |
Wavelength (l, range) | 770 to 860 | 770 to 860 | nm | |
T rise/T fall (maximum; 20% - 80%; > 830 nm) | 0.26 | 0.26 | ns | |
T rise/T fall (maximum; 20% - 80%; < = 830 nm) | 0.21 | 0.21 | ns | |
RMS spectral width (maximum) | 0.85 | 0.85 | nm | |
Average launch power (maximum)1 | See footnote 1 | See footnote 1 | dBm | |
Average launch power (minimum) | – 9.5 | – 9.5 | dBm | |
Average launch power of OFF transmitter | – 30 | – 30 | dBm | |
(maximum)2 |
Extinction ratio (minimum) | 9 | 9 | dB | |
RIN (maximum) |
| – 117 | – 117 | dB/Hz |
Coupled Power Ratio (CPR) minimum 3 | 9 < CPR | 9 < CPR | db | |
2Examples of an OFF transmitter are: no power supplied to the PMD, laser shutdown for safety conditions, activation of a “transmit disable” or other optional laser shutdown conditions. During all conditions when the PMA is powered, the AC signal (data) into the transmit port will be valid encoded 8B/10B patterns (this is a requirement of the PCS layers), except for short durations during system
3Avoid radial overfilled launches even if the launch parameters are within the CPR range.