O P E R A T I O N. . Options Window ..
or manually setting parameters prevents this from happening. For more details on preset and
~Use the
~Click Load to load the selected set of timing parameters into the system’s active input registers. If desired, the parameters can be edited using the fields in the Video Input Timing section.
~Click Save to save a modified set of timing parameters. Registers 100 - 160 are reserved for
~Click Delete to delete a selected
•The timing parameters displayed in the Video Input Timing section of the page relate to the settings currently in use. When a set of timing parameters is selected from the
•In the Video Input Timing section, click Edit to activate all input timing fields for modification. In Chapter 6, refer to the INputTiMing command description for technical details on all input parameters.
Only qualified engineering personnel should adjust or modify video input timing parameters.
The parameters are: |
| |
HFP | Horizontal Front Porch | VFP | Vertical Front Porch |
HSYNC | Horizontal Sync | VSYNC | Vertical Sync |
HBP | Horizontal Back Porch | VBP | Vertical Back Porch |
HACT | Horizontal Active | VACT | Vertical Active |
Modified timing parameters can be saved using Save.
•In the Interactive Adjustment section, controls are provided to enable qualified engineering personnel to interactively adjust input timing and input modulus parameters for the active screen area. Interactive adjustments can be used to fine tune the settings for
| DGy Model 201x User’s Guide | 50 |