. . . . . .USAGE. . .
. .COMMAND. . . . .HELP. .
C O M M A N D L I N E I N T E R F A C .E . Command Format ..
All commands take the following form:
COMMAND_NAME <value1> <value2>...
…followed by ENTER.
Parameter values are shown in angle brackets < > and optional parameters are contained in square brackets [ ]. In the above example, value1, value2 (etc.) are required parameters specific to the stated command.
SExample: Set DGy 201x’s baud rate to 115,200 bps:
The majority of commands have both long and short forms:
•The long form version is an easily understood word (or the concatenation of two or more words).
•The short form version is an abbreviation of the command name.
Note | With the exception of some interactive functions, |
| commands are not case sensitive. In the Command |
| Index and command descriptions, upper case |
| characters in the long form version indicate the letters |
| required for the command short form. |
In the example above, the command BAUDrate could be entered in four ways:
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
To execute commands, each command line must be followed by
. . . .a. .carriage. . . . . .return. . . .(pressing. . . . . . .ENTER. . . . .).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SCommands: Help
There are two ways to use the DGy 201x’s help feature:
•Type HELP to list all DGy 201x commands.
•Type HELP followed by the command to get
SExample: Type H PLAY to get help on the Play command.
| DGy Model 201x User’s Guide | 86 |