Operating the Telephone with the optiPoint display module
Step by Step
Second Call
You can answer a second incoming call while already on a call or while you are still dialing. The caller hears the ringing tone while you hear a call waiting tone.
Accepting a Waiting Call
Call Control
Mon 07/03/05 11:34AM
Bill Smith 987654321
Jane Brown
During a call, a call information box ( page 107) is displayed to notify you of a second caller.
Press the maximize icon to enlarge the call information box and obtain more information about the caller.
To answer the call, press the Connect icon in the Caller Box. You can also press the Loudspeaker key or lift the handset. The first call is put on hold and the second call is answered.
If you are using speakerphone mode for the cur- rent call, press the Loudspeaker key to end it. You are then asked if you would like to resume the waiting call.
Lifting the handset does not affect the call status. You are not asked if you would like to resume the second call.