Using Editors
Step by Step
Use Shift to switch between upper and lower case
when entering letters (shown with a light blue back-
ground in the table).
The state of the Shift key (overwrite or insert mode) is
shown on the right-hand side of the fourth line:
Shift key not active.
Shift key active
Key 1x 2x 3x 4x 5x 6x 7x 8x 9x 15x
e@(1) 1
fa b c2
gd e f3
hg h I4
Ij k l5
jm n o6
kp q r s 7
lt u v8
mw x y z 9
q/()[] * < = > %
d.(1) , ? 0 ! : ; ’ "
r# @ _&+ - ^ |
(1) Space
A short text._
A short text._