Operating the Telephone with the optiPoint display module
Step by Step
Call Log
Missed calls (10) 8 new 43216789
Bill Smith
John Watson
Harry Grey
Ralph Delgado
Isabella Ashley
Jeanine Fox
Dialed calls (8)
Received calls (12)
Forwarded calls (10)
Dial View
If a party dials a number, forwards a call or does not an- swer an incoming call, the caller’s details are stored in the relevant Call Log. Depending on the available data, the name or the number of the telephone is displayed. If this information is not available, "Caller ID unknown" is entered in the list.. You can use the stylus to select the required entry.
Press the relevant display key to:
• display the caller’s details ( page 171)
•clear the entry
•dial the number
•store the number in your phone book (opens the phone book).