Sample ACS SLKJCL File


The following listing is an example job for the ACS INIT command.


Sample ACS SLKJCL File






jobname SLSBINIT


/PARM E(E086) F(17) MEMBER(xx)


/FILE SLSSYSXX DEV <vaddr> DSN <dsname><(member)>


/COMM If using a library with multiple hosts



modify the /FILE SLSSYSXX statement above



and delete the lines following it


/COMM Else delete the /FILE SLSSYSXX statement above


and use the following for initial parameters







/* Commands to execute automatically at startup: */






Set some options


OPTion Output=<UpperMixed>




MNTD Dismount=<AutoManual>


MNTD Scratch=<AutoManual>



Set CAP preferences


CAPPref <prefvalue>,<cap­list>



Define control data sets


CDSDEF DSN1=<prm.dsname>,VOL1=volunit1,UNIT1=unit1 ­


DSN2=<sec.dsname>,VOL2=volunit2,UNIT2=unit2 ­




Define journal data sets


JRNDEF DSN1=<jrn1.dsname>,VOL1=volunit1,UNIT1=unit1 ­


DSN2=<jrn2.dsname>,VOL2=volunit2,UNIT2=unit2 ­





Define host­to­host communications



COMMPath HOSTid=<hostid> METHod=vtam VTAMpath=<applid1> LMUpath=<00>


COMMPath HOSTid=<hst2> METHod=vtam VTAMpath=<applid2> LMUpath=<00>


Define scratch subpools



SCRPOol NAME=<pool1> RANGE=<000300­000320> LABEL=<sl> HOSTID=<hostid>


Define scratch thresholds



Warn SCRatch <00> SUBpool=<pool1> THReshld=<400>



Get LSMs online



MODify <000> <ONlineOFFline>



MODify <001> <ONlineOFFline>



Display library status



Display ALl



Display CDS


Chapter 3. HSC Control Statements and HSC Start Procedure 161

1st ed., 6/30/04 - 312579601

Page 191
Image 191
StorageTek 6 manual Sample ACS SLKJCL File, Example