Manual background

control data set recovery area— A portion of the CDS reserved for maintaining integrity for updates that affect multiple CDS blocks.

control data set subfile— A portion of the CDS consisting of Data Blocks and Pointer Blocks containing related information.

Control Unit (CU)— (1) A microprocessor-based unit situated logically between a host channel (or channels) and from two to sixteen transports. It functions to translate channel commands into transport commands, send transport status to the channel(s), and pass data between the channel(s) and transport(s). (2) A device that controls I/O operations for one or more devices. cross-host recovery. The ability for one host to perform recovery for another host that has failed.

CSE— Customer Service Engineer.

CSI— Consolidated System Inventory.

CSL— See Cartridge Scratch Loader.

CSRC— Central Support Remote Center (See Remote Diagnostics Center)

CST— (1) A value that can be specified on the MEDia parameter and that includes only standard capacity cartridge tapes. (2) An alias of Standard. (3) See Cartridge System Tape.

CSW— See Channel Status Word.

CU— See Control Unit.


DAE— Dump Analysis Elimination.

DASD— Direct access storage device.

data— Any representations such as characters or analog quantities to which meaning is, or might be, assigned.

Database Heartbeat record (DHB)— The record that contains the names of the control data sets recorded by the HSC and identifies the correct primary, secondary, and standby CDS.

data class— A collection of allocation and space attributes, defined by the storage administrator, that are used to create a data set.

data compaction— An algorithmic data-reduction technique that encodes data from the host and stores it in less space than unencoded data. The original data is recovered by an inverse process called decompaction.

data-compaction ratio— The number of host data bytes mathematically divided by the number of encoded bytes. It is variable depending on the characteristics of the data being processed. The more random the data stream, the lower the opportunity to achieve compaction.

Data Control Block (DCB)— A control block used by access routines in storing and retrieving data.

data set— The major unit of data storage and retrieval, consisting of a collection of data in one of several prescribed arrangements and described by control information to which the system has access.

data streaming— A continuous stream of data being transmitted in character or binary-digit form, using a specified format.

DC— Direct current.

DCB— See Data Control Block.

DD3— A generic value that can be specified on the MEDia and RECtech parameters and includes all types of helical cartridges and recording techniques.

DD3A, DD3B, DD3C, DD3D— Values that can be specified on the MEDia parameter and include only the specified type of helical cartridge. Aliases are A, B, C, and D, respectively.

DDR— See Dynamic Device Reconfiguration.

default value— A value assumed when no value has been specified.

demand allocation— An MVS term meaning that a user has requested a specific unit.

device allocation— The HSC function of influencing the MVS device selection process to choose either a manual transport or a transport in a particular ACS, based on the location of the volume (specific requests) or the subpool rules in effect (scratch requests).

Glossary 657

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StorageTek 6 manual