Manual background

ECCST— (1) A value that can be specified on the MEDia parameter and that includes only enhanced capacity cartridge system tapes. (2) An alias of ECART. (3) See Enhanced Capacity Cartridge System Tape.

EDL— See eligible device list.

EDTGEN— Eligible Device Table Generation. A process used to replace an installation-defined and named representation of the devices that are eligible for allocation.

EETape— See Extended Enhanced Tape.

Effective Recording Density— The number of user bytes per unit of length of the recording medium.

eject— The process where the LSM robot places a cartridge in a Cartridge Access Port (CAP) so the operator can remove it from the LSM.

eligible device list— (1) A group of transports that are available to satisfy an allocation request. (2) For JES2 and JES3, a list of devices representing the UNIT parameter specified by way of invoking JCL. The EDL can contain both library and nonlibrary transports depending on the I/O GEN.

enable— The modification of system, control unit, or device action through the change of a software module or a hardware switch (circuit jumper) position.

enhanced CAP (ECAP)— An enhanced CAP contains two forty-cellmagazine-style CAPs and a one-cell priority CAP (PCAP). Each forty-cell CAP holds four removable magazines of ten cells each. An LSM access door with an enhanced CAP contains no cell locations for storing cartridges.

See also Cartridge Access Port, standard CAP, priority CAP, WolfCreek CAP, WolfCreek optional CAP, or TimberWolf CAP.

Enhanced Capacity Cartridge System Tape— Cartridge system tape with increased capacity that can be used with 4490 and 9490 Cartridge Drives. These tapes are visually identified by a two-tone (black and tan) housing.

EOF— End-of-File.

EOT— End-of-Tape marker.

EPO— Emergency Power Off.

EREP— Environmental Recording, Editing, Printing.

ERP— See error recovery procedures.

error recovery procedures (ERP)— Procedures designed to help isolate and, where possible, to recover from errors in equipment.

esoteric— A user-defined name that groups devices into classes.

ETAPE— (1) A value that can be specified on the MEDia parameter and that includes only enhanced capacity cartridge system tapes. (2) An alias of ECART. (3) See Enhanced Capacity Cartridge System Tape.

Extended Capacity Tape— See Enhanced Capacity

Cartridge System Tape.

Extended Enhanced Tape (EETape)— A synonym for a ZCART, which is a cartridge that can only be used with a 9490EE drive. An EETape (ZCART) provides greater storage capacity than an ECART.

ExtendedStore Library— One or more LSMs with no Cartridge Drives (CDs) that are attached by pass-thru ports to other LSMs (with CDs) in an ACS. These LSMs provide archive storage for cartridges containing less active data sets. Cartridges can be entered and ejected directly into and out of this LSM though either a standard CAP or an enhanced CAP.


FIFO— First in, first out.

file protected— Pertaining to a tape volume from which data can be read only. Data cannot be written on or erased from the tape.

format— The arrangement or layout of data on a data medium.

Glossary 659

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StorageTek 6 manual