Manual background

programs at IPL execution. Devices running µ-software reload the functional µ-software usually from a floppy diskette at IPL execution.

initial value— A value assumed until explicitly changed. It must then be explicitly specified in another command to restore the initial value. An initial value for the HSC is the value in effect when the product is installed.

inline diagnostics— Diagnostic routines that test subsystem components while operating on a time-sharing basis with the functional µ-software in the subsystem component.

input stack— The part of the cartridge loader where cartridges are premounted.

intervention required— Manual action is needed.

IPL— See Initial Program Load.

ips— Inches per second.

IVP— Installation Verification Programs. A package of programs that is run by a user after the library is installed in order to verify that the library is functioning properly.


JCL— See Job Control Language.

Job Control Language— Problem-oriented language designed to express statements in a job that are used to identify the job or describe its requirements to an operating system.

journal— The log associated with journaling. The log (stored in a data set) contains a record of completed work and changes to the control data set since the last backup was created.

journaling— A technique for recovery that involves creating a backup control data set and maintaining a log of all changes (transactions) to that data set.

JST— Job Summary Table (JES3).


KB— Kilobyte, thousand (10 3 ) bytes.

keyword parameter— In command and utility syntax, operands that include keywords and their related values (See positional parameter).

Values are concatenated to the keyword either by an equal sign, ‘‘KEYWORD=value,’’ or by parentheses, ‘‘KEYWORD(value).’’ Keyword parameters can be specified in any order. The HSC accepts (tolerates) multiple occurrences of a keyword. The value assigned to a keyword reflects the last occurrence of a keyword within a command.


LAN— See Local Area Network.

LCU— See Library Control Unit.

LED— See Light Emitting Diode.

LIBGEN— The process of defining the configuration of the automated library to the host software.

library— An installation of one or more ACSs, attached cartridge drives, volumes placed into the ACSs, host software that controls and manages the ACSs and associated volumes, and the library control data set that describes the state of the ACSs.

library control data set— See control data set.

Library Control Unit (LCU)— The portion of the LSM that controls the picking, mounting, dismounting, and replacing of cartridges.

Library Management Unit (LMU)— The portion of the ACS that manages from one to sixteen LSMs and communicates with the host CPU.

Library Storage Module (LSM)— The storage area for cartridges plus the robot necessary to move the cartridges. The term LSM often means the LCU and LSM combined.

Light Emitting Diode (LED)— An electronic device used mainly as an indicator on status panels to show equipment on/off conditions.

LMU— See Library Management Unit.

LMUPATH— An HSC control statement contained in the definition data set specified by the LMUPDEF command. An LMUPATH statement allows users to define network LMU attachments.

Glossary 661

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StorageTek 6 manual