Scratch Redistribution

Scratch Redistribution



specifies one ACS in the library in which the scratch volumes are to be redistributed.


identifies the ACS. The one or two digit hexadecimal ACS identifier.


optionally, specifies that only certain LSMs within an ACS are to contain scratch cartridges (if not specified, scratch volumes are redistributed across all LSMs in the ACS).


lsm-listcan be a single LSMid or a list of LSMids. An LSM range is not allowed. An LSMid (lsm-id) is made up of the ACSid (hexadecimal 00-FF) and the LSM number (hexadecimal 00-17) separated by a colon (:).

The element(s) contained in an lsm-list must be enclosed in parentheses; multiple elements must be separated by blanks or commas.


optionally, specifies the subpool name from which scratch volumes are to be redistributed.


subpool-name identifies the subpool.


optionally, specifies a balance tolerance value. Scratch volumes are distributed based on this specified value.


tolerance-valuespecifies a percent value that identifies when cartridge redistribution ends. Valid values are 1 through 999, where the values indicate a percentage from .1 to 99.9 (i.e., 1 signifies .1 percent; 999 equals 99.9 percent). The initial value for the HSC is 1. If tolerance-value is not specified in this utility, HSC uses the initial value for scratch redistribution.

The utility finishes redistributing scratch cartridges when the percentage of scratch tapes in all specified LSMs is within tolerance-value / 2 percentage points of each LSM’s percentage of cells in the ACS.

For example, assume an ACS has one 4410 LSM with 5,000 cells, one 9360 (WolfCreek) LSM with 1,000 cells, and 600 total scratch tapes in the ACS. Scratch Redistribution attempts to put 500 scratches in the 4410 and 100 scratches in the 9360.

Entering BALtol(100) specifies a setting of 10 percent, which means that the utility ends when all LSMs are within ±5 percent of the expected number of scratches for each LSM (500 for the 4410, 100 for the 9360).

286VM/HSC 6.0 System Programmer’s Guide

1st ed., 6/30/04 - 312579601

Page 316
Image 316
StorageTek 6 manual Scratch Redistribution Parameters, tolerance-value, acs-id, lsm-list, subpool-name