This diagnostic command sets one or more break-points for a list of named modules and offsets. The CP QUERY PER command is then issued to display the current program traps in effect.

Note: In the VM/XA environment, CP PER and QUERY PER are synonyms for the CP TRACE and QUERY TRACE commands.

‘CP SET RUN OFF’ is executed, and the SCP debug environment is entered. The diagnostic command ‘=NODEBUG’ terminates the debug environment.


the command character for the DIAG subsystem. The default is ‘‘=,’’ but may be set to any character by the SUBSYS command that started the subsystem.


the name of a known entry point. It is either named in the map within any SLKNUCxx module or there is a CDE structure for the name.

If the name is known, it will be located in storage. It will be brought into storage if it was not there before.

If epname is not specified, the current traces are displayed.


the optional offset from the address of epname at which to set a breakpoint using CP PER. The default is 0.


the optional length of the breakpoint. The default is .1.

Note: length must be preceded by a period with no space between offset and the period.

For example, issuing the command:

=HPER slsbinit slkode 54.8

Chapter 5. Problem Determination, Diagnostics, and Recovery 381

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StorageTek 6 manual =Hper, epname, offset, length