680VM/HSC 6.0 System Programmer’s Guide

Journal Definition (JRNDEF) 92 License Key Definition (LKEYDEF) 94 License Key Information (LKEYINFO) 96 options 84

overview 83 processing 84

Reconfiguration CDS Definition (RECDEF) control statement 98

Scratch Subpool 100

pass-thru reduction 422 scheduled 423 unavoidable 423 unnecessary 423

Pass-thru port (PTP), defined 663

performance considerations ACSPROP exec 425 Activities Report utility 412 Audit utility 427

CAP preferences 414 communication parameters 418 library activity 411

limiting view time 419

loading cartridges into the library 422 maintaining quantities of scratch cartridges 414 monitoring

library activity and performance 412 use of the View command 420

operator controlled 412 overview 411

PARMLIB and defining static parameters 415 Performance log reblocker utility 427


ACS daily report 413 tape volume report 413


operator intervention 424 pass-thrus 422 scheduling contention 426 tape transport contention 425

Scratch Redistribution utility 414 secondary and standby control data sets 419 system programmer controlled 412

using the SET utility instead of LIBGEN/Reconfiguration 50

Performance log reblocker utility invoking 264

JCL requirements 265 overview 263 parameters 263 syntax 263

using to format data 427 physical inventory of the library 170 playground, defined 663 positional parameter, defined 663 PowderHorn (9310) LSM, defined 663

precedence of VOLATTR and TAPEREQ statements 30

primary CDS defined 664


a list of volumes/locations in an LSM 170 library activities report 170

priority CAP (PCAP), defined 664

programming/operational considerations for remote-linked libraries 627


Queued Sequential Access Method (QSAM), defined 664


ranges and lists, VOLSER 436

Reconfiguration CDS Definition (RECDEF) control statement example 99

overview 98 parameters 98 syntax 98, 450

Reconfiguration utility benefits 266 considerations 267 how it works 268 I/O considerations 269 overview 266

running successful reconfiguration 270

record formats overview 497

SLSMF07, SMF Move Detail Record 515

SLSMF08, SMF View Detail Record 523

SLSSBLOG, LOGREC Initialize/Termination Record 533 SLSSBLOS, SMF LSM Operations Statistics 506 SLSSCAPJ, SMF CAP Eject Record 508 SLSSCAPN, SMF CAP Enter Record 509 SLSSDJLR, LOGREC Database/Journaling 553 SLSSFHDR, SMF Record Header 501

SLSSHLG1, LOGREC Host Communications Format 559 SLSSLHDR, LOGREC Header Layout 526 SLSSLLG1, LOGREC LMU Driver Format 1 535 SLSSLLG1, LOGREC LMU Driver Format 2 540 SLSSLLG3, LOGREC Host Communications Format 542 SLSSLLG4, LOGREC LMU Driver Format 4 543 SLSSLLG5, LOGREC Dual LMU Status Change 545 SLSSLLG6, LOGREC Robotic Motion & Soft Fail Counts

Record 548

SLSSLSB, SMF LMU ATHS Statistics Buffer 513 SLSSPSWI,LOGREC Primary/Shadow Switch Record 555 SLSSRL00, LOGREC Recovery Record 1 557 SLSSRL01, LOGREC Recovery Record 558 SLSSVLG1, LOGREC Volume/Cell Force Unselect Record


SLSSVSTA, SMF Vary Station Record 510

680VM/HSC 6.0 System Programmer’s Guide

1st ed., 6/30/04 - 312579601

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Image 710
StorageTek manual 680VM/HSC 6.0 System Programmer’s Guide