Manual background

See also Cartridge Access Port, standard CAP, enhanced CAP, priority CAP, WolfCreek CAP, or WolfCreek optional CAP.

TP— Tape-to-Print.

transaction— A short series of actions with the control data set. These actions are usually related to a specific function (e.g., Mount, ENter).

transport— An electromechanical device capable of threading tape from a cartridge, moving the tape across a read/write head, and writing data onto or reading data from the tape.

TREQDEF— An HSC command that is used to load the definition data set that contains TAPEREQ control statements.

Tri-Optic label— An external label attached to the spine of a cartridge that is both human and machine readable.

TT— Tape-to-Tape.


unit affinity— A request that all cartridges be mounted on a single drive (either for read or write purposes), usually to reduce the number of drives needed for a job.

unit parameter value— A JCL term meaning the value of a JCL UNIT parameter. The value can be a single address of a drive, an esoteric list, or a generic list.

UNITATTR— An HSC control statement that is contained in the definition data set specified by the UNITDEF command— A UNITATTR statement defines to the HSC the transport’s media type and recording technique capabilities.

UNITDEF— An HSC command that is used to load the definition data set that contains UNITATTR control statements.

utilities— Utility programs. The programs that allow an operator to manage the resources of the library and to monitor overall library performance.


VARSee Volume Attribute Record.

VATSee Volume Attribute Table Entry.

Virtual Storage Manager (VSM)— A storage solution that virtualizes volumes and transports in a VTSS buffer in order to improve media and transport use.

Virtual Tape Control System (VTCS)— The primary host code for the Virtual Storage Manager (VSM) solution. This code operates in a separate address space, but communicates closely with HSC.

Virtual Tape Storage Subsystem (VTSS)— The DASD buffer containing virtual volumes (VTVs) and virtual drives (VTDs). The VTSS is a StorageTek RAID 6 hardware device with microcode that enables transport emulation. The RAID device can read and write “tape” data from/to disk, and can read and write the data from/to a real tape drive (RTD).

virtual thumbwheel— An HSC feature that allows read-only access to a volume that is not physically write-protected.

VOLATTR— An HSC control statement that is contained in the definition data set specified by the VOLDEF command. A VOLATTR statement defines to the HSC the media type and recording technique of the specified volumes.

VOLDEF— An HSC command that is used to load the definition data set that contains VOLATTR control statements.

VOLSER— A six-character alphanumeric label used to identify a tape volume.

volume— A data carrier that is mounted or dismounted as a unit. (See cartridge).

Volume Attribute Record (VAR)— An HSC internal record that contains the data base-resident information of a cartridge entered into the library.

Volume Attribute Table Entry (VAT)— An HSC internal table that contains entries to the intransit record token and the Volume Attribute Record (VAR). The VAT is used as the communications area for internal service calls.


WolfCreek (9360) LSM— A smaller capacity high-performance LSM. WolfCreek LSMs are

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StorageTek 6 manual