


A one or two digit row number or list of row numbers. The maximum list allowed is four rows. However, this parameter cannot contain a list if a list was specified for the Column parameter. Ranges are not valid.


list of Columns to be moved from. This parameter has a corequisite of the Row parameter and is optional. If this parameter is not specified, all columns will be moved for the rows specified.


A one or two digit column number or list of column numbers. This parameter cannot contain a list if a list was specified for the Row parameter. Ranges are not valid.

Note: Refer to the appropriate ACS hardware document for information about LSM panel, row, and column locations and layouts.


volumes to be moved.


A list of volumes (a maximum of 100 can be specified) or a range of volumes. If you specify the Volume parameter, you may not specify the Flsm parameter.


The target LSM(s). This is a required parameter. LSMs are specified as AA:LL, where AA is the ACSid and LL is the LSMid. The ACSid:

must be identical to the Flsm parameter ‘‘aa’’ (ACSid), or

must be the same ACS in which the volume resides if the Volume parameter is specified.


A list of LSMs (a maximum of 24 can be specified). Ranges are invalid. An LSMid (lsm-id) is made up of the ACSid (hexadecimal 00-FF) and the LSM number (hexadecimal 00-17) separated by a colon (:).


the panel in the TLsm to move the cartridge(s) to. This parameter is optional.


The one or two digit panel number. This parameter cannot contain a list or range.

Chapter 4. Utility Functions 259

1st ed., 6/30/04 - 312579601

Page 289
Image 289
StorageTek 6 manual panel, Move, row-list, column-list, vol-list, lsm-list