


specifies the device numbers for the panel. The numbers are from the top of the panel down. If a device number is omitted, this means that the host cannot access a drive in that particular position in the panel, or the drive does not exist.


1.Blanks as well as commas may be used to separate the drive specifications.

2.The total number of drives specified (including comma placeholders) must be 4, 10, 16 (for an SL8500), or 20. You cannot specify 20-drive panels on 9740 (TimberWolf) LSMs or SL8500 libraries.

3.Before this utility can be executed, all cells in the panel must be empty if the user is moving to or from a 20-drive panel configuration.

4.The user can change a drive panel between a 4- or 10-drive panel (normal) and a 20-drive panel (wide) without running a reconfiguration. Affected panels must be empty and no cells in the panels can be allocated to cartridges.

To ensure that drive panels being changed from normal to wide configurations (or vice versa) remain empty, freeze them with the SET FREEZE utility. Then, move all cartridges to other panels or LSMs.

If a panel type is changed by SET SLIDRIVS, the new panel will not be frozen. Frozen panels whose panel type did not change remain frozen after


5.HSC does not allow duplicate addresses for drives. If it becomes necessary to exchange the drive addresses on one panel with the drive addresses on another panel, the addresses on one of the panels must first be changed to temporary addresses that are not currently defined. For example:

LSM0, PANEL10, ADDRESSES­400,401,402,403

LSM1, PANEL11, ADDRESSES­404,405,406,407

If the 400-403 addresses are to be moved to LSM1 and 404-407 are to be moved to LSM0, the SET utility must first be run to change the LSM0 addresses (400-403) to 900-903 (or some other addresses that are not currently defined). The SET utility is then run to change the LSM1 addresses to 400-403. The utility is run a third time to change the temporary LSM0 addresses (900-903) to 404-407.

6.On all LSMs, drives are defined to the HSC from top to bottom, with addr0 representing the topmost drive and addrn the bottommost drive.

However, on a 9740 10-drive panel LSM, the drives are populated and configured to the 9740 LSM from bottom to top. (9740 4-drive panels are configured to the 9740 LSM from top to bottom, as are all other LSM drive panels.)

312VM/HSC 6.0 System Programmer’s Guide

1st ed., 6/30/04 - 312579601

Page 342
Image 342
StorageTek 6 manual addr0,...addr19