Volume Report


optionally specifies that the utility produce a volume report. This parameter is used in combination with VOLDATA so that both a flat file and a volume report can be created. Normally, you would not specify VOLIST without also designating


If VOLIST, VOLDATA, and CDSDATA (see below) are specified, a volume report is created and a single flat file is produced that contains volume and non-volume information.

Note: VOLIST is not available if Volume Report is running under SCP.


optionally specifies that the Volume Report utility is to produce non-volume CDS data for the data set defined by the SLSCDATA DD statement (refer to “SLSCDATA” on page 333. CDSDATA is independent of VOLDATA and does not keep a volume report from being produced.

Note: CDSDATA is not available if Volume Report is running under SCP.


optionally specifies that the utility provide totals of volume attributes on an LSM and ACS basis, and/or subpool data on an ACS or LSM basis. Totals are affected by the use of limiting parameters such as ‘‘ACS’’ (and possibly ‘‘LSM’’), ‘‘VOLser’’/‘‘VOLume,’’ and ‘‘INCLude’’ and/or ‘‘EXCLude.’’

If both TOTal and SUBpool are specified, both reports are provided. The time and date displayed in the header for the Summary Report(s) are the same as the Volume Report Listing header.

Note: SUMMary is not available if Volume Report is running under SCP.


specifies that totals of scratch, selected, errant, available cells, and external label status types be provided on an LSM, ACS, and library basis in the report.

The totals are listed on a separate listing, on a new page from the Volume Report Listing and the Control Card Listing. An example depicting the totals is in Figure 21 on page 343.


specifies that subpool totals be provided on an LSM, ACS, and library basis in the report.

Subpool information must be provided through PARMLIB SCRPOol control statements (refer to “Scratch Subpool Control Statement” on page 100). These statements are contained in a data set pointed to by the SLSSCRPL DD statement (refer to “JCL/Parameter File Requirements” on page 333).

332VM/HSC 6.0 System Programmer’s Guide

1st ed., 6/30/04 - 312579601

Page 362
Image 362
StorageTek Volume Report, Volist, Voldata, Cdsdata, SUMMary, TOTal, SUBpool, 332VM/HSC 6.0 System Programmer’s Guide