Definition Data Set Control Statements

Definition Data Set Control Statements

Definition data sets contain the control statements used to define tape data set storage policies to the HSC. A definition data set must be sequential (it may be a partitioned data set [PDS] member) with any valid record format (RECFM). The syntax rules for the HSC PARMLIB data set designated by SLSSYSxx apply to the statements contained in a definition data set, except that comment statements with an asterisk in column one are not allowed. Refer to “Control Statement Syntax Conventions” on page 439 for information about PARMLIB syntax rules.

Each of the following commands cause the HSC to open a definition data set and load its specified attributes:






The user can specify LMUPDEF, SCRPDEF, TREQDEF, UNITDEF, and VOLDEF control statements either in the HSC PARMLIB data set to load the definition data sets at startup, or issue them as operator commands to dynamically load the data sets without stopping the HSC. The LMUPDEF, SCRPDEF, TAPEREQ, UNITATTR, and VOLATTR statements contained in a definition data set are in effect only on the host that opens the data set. They are not broadcast or propagated to other hosts, and are not maintained across HSC stops and starts. The definition data sets must be opened each time the HSC is restarted.

LMU path (LMUPATH), scratch subpool (SCRPOol), tape request attribute (TAPEREQ), unit attribute (UNITATTR), and volume attribute (VOLATTR), statements may be placed in the same definition data set or in different data sets, depending on your site requirements. Each data set may also contain an OPTion TITLE statement with an identifying string.

If the HSC encounters any other statements when it opens a definition data set, error messages are issued, the statements are ignored, the definition data set is not loaded, and definition data set processing terminates. The user must correct the problem statements and reload the data set.

If a single data set contains TAPEREQ, UNITATTR, and VOLATTR statements, the HSC must open the data set three times: once in response to a TREQDEF command, again in response to UNITDEF, and a third time in response to VOLDEF. Each command uses only the statements that apply.

Chapter 3. HSC Control Statements and HSC Start Procedure 103

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StorageTek 6 manual Definition Data Set Control Statements