Manual background

frozen panel— A panel to which cartridges cannot be moved. This restriction includes allocating new cartridge locations on a panel as a result of:

a MOVe command, utility, or PGMI request

cartridge entry into the ACS

float, scratch dismount, or scratch redistribution processing.


GB— Gigabyte, billion (10 9 ) bytes.

GDG— Generation Data Group. An MVS data set naming convention. Sequence numbers are appended to the basic data set name to track the generations created for that data set.

GDG Separation— Occurs when a Generation Data Group gets separated because the volumes of different generations reside in different locations. Usually, all generations of a GDG are mounted on a single drive to reduce the number of drives needed for a job.

GTF— Generalized Trace Facility. An MVS facility used to trace software functions and events.


HDA— Head/disk assembly.

Helical— A generic value that can be specified on the RECtech parameter and includes all helical transports.

HOSTid— A HOSTid is the host identifier specified in the HOSTID parameter of the SLILIBRY LIBGEN macro. The HOSTid is the SMF system identifier for both JES2 and JES3.

High Watermark Setup (HWS)— In JES3, a setting specified on the HWSNAME initialization statement that reduces the number of devices reserved for a job. JES3 accomplishes this task by assessing each jobstep to determine the maximum number of devices needed for each device type and reserving those devices.

Host Software Component (HSC)— That portion of the Automated Cartridge System which executes on host systems attached to an automated library.

This component acts as the interface between the

operating system and the rest of the automated library.

host system— A data processing system that is used to prepare programs and the operating environments for use on another computer or controller.

HSC— See Host Software Component.

HWS— See High Watermark Setup.


ICRC— See Improved Cartridge Recording Capability.

ID— Identifier or identification.

IDAX— Interpreter Dynamic Allocation Exit. This is a subfunction of the DFSMS/MVS subsystem request (SSREQ 55) that the MVS JCL Interpreter and dynamic allocation functions issue for calling DFSMS ACS routines for management of the data set requested.

IDRC— Improved Data Recording Capability.

IML— See Initial Microprogram Load.

Improved Cartridge Recording Capability (ICRC)— An improved data recording mode that, when enabled, can increase the effective cartridge data capacity and the effective data rate when invoked.

index— A function performed by the cartridge scratch loader that moves cartridges down the input or output stack one cartridge position. A scratch loader can perform multiple consecutive indexes.

INISH deck— A set of JES3 initialization statements.

Initial Microprogram Load (IML)— A process that activates a machine reset and loads system programs to prepare a computer system for operation. Processors having diagnostic programs activate these programs at IML execution. Devices running µ-software reload the functional µ-software usually from a floppy diskette at IML execution.

Initial Program Load (IPL)— A process that activates a machine reset and loads system programs to prepare a computer system for operation. Processors having diagnostic programs activate these

660VM/HSC 6.0 System Programmer’s Guide

1st ed., 6/30/04 - 312579601

Page 690
Image 690
StorageTek 6 manual