Manual background

primary CDS— The active control data set. It contains the inventory of all cartridges in the library, the library configuration, information about library hardware and resource ownership across multiple processors, and serves as a vehicle of communication between HSCs running on multiple processors.

priority CAP (PCAP)— A one-cell CAP that is part of an enhanced CAP. A PCAP allows a user to enter or eject a single cartridge that requires immediate action.

See also Cartridge Access Port, standard CAP, enhanced CAP, WolfCreek CAP, WolfCreek optional CAP, or TimberWolf CAP.

Program Temporary Fix (PTF)— A unit of corrective maintenance delivered to a customer to repair a defect in a product, or a means of packaging a Small Programming Enhancement (SPE).

Program Update Tape (PUT)— A tape containing a collection of PTFs. PUTs are shipped to customers on a regular basis under the conditions of the customer’s maintenance license.

PTF— See Program Temporary Fix.

PTP— See pass-thru port.

PUT— See Program Update Tape.


QSAM— See Queued Sequential Access Method.

Queued Sequential Access Method (QSAM)— An extended version of the basic sequential access method (BSAM). When this method is used, a queue is formed of input data blocks that are awaiting processing or output data blocks that have been processed and are awaiting transfer to auxiliary storage or to an output device.


RACF— See Resource Access Control Facility.

RDC— See Remote Diagnostics Center.

Recording Density— The number of bits in a single linear track measured per unit of length of the recording medium.

RECtech— The parameter used to specify recording technique.

RedWood— (1) The program name of the StorageTek transport that supports a helical recording technique. (2) See SD-3.

Remote Diagnostics Center (RDC)— The Remote Diagnostics Center at StorageTek. RDC operators can access and test StorageTek systems and software, through telecommunications lines, from remote customer installations. Also referred to as the Central Support Remote Center (CSRC).

Resource Access Control Facility (RACF)— Security software controlling access to data sets.


SCP— See System Control Program.

scratch tape subpool— A defined subset of all scratch tapes. Subpools are composed of one or more ranges of VOLSERs with similar physical characteristics (type of volume {reel or cartridge}, reel size, length, physical location, etc.). Some installations may also subdivide their scratch pools by other characteristics, such as label type (AL, SL, NSL, NL).

The purpose of subpooling is to ensure that certain data sets are built only within particular ranges of volumes (for whatever reason the user desires). If a volume which does not belong to the required subpool is mounted for a particular data set, it is dismounted and the mount reissued.

SD-3—The model number of the StorageTek transport that supports a helical recording technique.

secondary CDS— The optional duplicate copy of the primary CDS.

secondary recording— A technique for recovery involving maintaining both a control data set and a copy (secondary) of the control data set.

SER— Software Enhancement Request.

ServiceTek (machine initiated maintenance)— A unique feature of the ACS in which an expert system monitors conditions and performance of subsystems and requests operator attention before a potential

664VM/HSC 6.0 System Programmer’s Guide

1st ed., 6/30/04 - 312579601

Page 694
Image 694
StorageTek 6 manual