Over-use (Over-limit and Spent) Cleaning Cartridges

VOLATTR control statement MAXclean parameter(s). For example, if the helical cleaning cartridges have volsers between CLN500 and CLN599, the following VOLATTR statement can be used to set a different maximum cleaning usage limit for this range of helical cleaning cartridges: VOLATTR SERial(CLN500-CLN599) MAXclean(nn)

5.Contact your StorageTek Customer Services Engineer for appropriate MAXclean values for different cleaning media types. Limits on the Use of Cleaning Cartridges Cleaning cartridges should only be used a limited number of times. The MNTD MAXclean command globally specifies how many cleaning operations are allowed before a cleaning cartridge should be removed from the ACS and replaced (the default is 100 uses). This maximum cleaning usage limit can be different for different cleaning media. Use the VOLATTR MAXclean parameter to specify a different maximum cleaning limit for different cleaning cartridge media.

6.Refer to ‘‘MNTD (Mount/Dismount Options) Command and Control Statement’’ in the HSC Operator’s Guide and to “Volume Attribute (VOLATTR) Control Statement” on page 110 for additional information about the MAXclean value.

7.Ejecting and reentering used cleaning cartridges should be avoided. When a cartridge is ejected and reentered, its select count is set to zero. The select count is used to track the number of times a cleaning cartridge has been used. Used cleaning cartridges which are reentered will be used more times than specified by the applicable MAXclean value. Each cleaning media type is used in a different way to clean tape transports. Some media types use the same cleaning surface many times, while other media types use the cleaning surface only once. Some media types use the cleaning surface only a few times before they are unable to clean a tape transport.

When a cleaning cartridge is no longer able to adequately clean a tape transport, it is over-use.

Over-use (Over-limit and Spent) Cleaning Cartridges

An over-use cleaning cartridge means either that the usage (select) count is over the MAXclean value (‘‘over-limit’’) or all of its cleaning surface is used or ‘‘spent.’’

An over-limitcleaning cartridge has been used more than the value (limit) specified by either the MNTD MAXclean or VOLATTR MAXclean settings. This cleaning cartridge may not be able to adequately clean a tape transport. If an over-limit cleaning cartridge is mounted on a tape transport, the cleaning process is attempted and may succeed.

A spent cleaning cartridge’s cleaning surface is completely used up or exhausted and can no longer be used for cleaning. When the HSC detects a spent cleaning cartridge, it will not be mounted on a transport during automated tape transport cleaning.

Over-use cleaning cartridges should be removed from the LSM and replaced with new cleaning cartridges. By default, the HSC ejects all over-use cleaning cartridges that it finds

Chapter 2. Host Software Component Functions 39

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StorageTek 6 manual Over-use Over-limitand Spent Cleaning Cartridges